November Newsletter - T/Th

Hello Parents and Caregivers,

Here's our newsletter for November:

Community Helpers
It’s going to be a fun and exciting month focusing on community helpers. We’ll have some in-class field trips where a Policeman and a Fireman will come and talk to the children and show them their uniforms, tools and talk a bit about safety. Check the calendar in the side bar to find out what occupations are scheduled. If you would like to come in and do a little 10-15 minute presentation to the children about your occupation please let me know.

Bible Teaching
We have such a wonderful church community around us. Both Pastor Brown and Pastor Nathan are volunteering their time to teach our children. Once a month the children are invited into the sanctuary where Pastor Brown does a little chapel talk with them, prays with them and sing songs for worship. We also have Pastor Nathan visit our classroom once a week to tell our bible story with an incredible felt board. We are so lucky to have these anointed men share with us regularly.

Catch of the Day
The month of October was so busy with Fall festivities I decided to postpone beginning our “Catch of the Day” until November. This will be an addition to our morning Circle Time routine where each week we focus on a letter of the alphabet, the sound it makes and what things start with that letter. On your child’s special day, not only will they help with calendar, but they will have to go fishing to find out what letter we are working on. It’s going to be a fun way to learn our pre-reading skills! Check the calendar in the sidebar to find out what letter we are focusing on each week so you can help out your child.

Nut Allergy Alert
Please be aware that we do have severe a peanut and nut allergy in the classroom. Please avoid sending any kind of snack that has peanuts or nuts in it.

Thank you all!

Teacher Kindra


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