Fire Safety

Even though we had one day specifically dedicated to firemen, we talked about fire safety all week long. We borrowed a firetruck from another preschool and had it set up for two weeks. The kids played, and played, and played in it...they just couldn't get enough.

We also listened to a Sesame Street song called "Stop, Drop and Roll" sung by Oscar the Grouch. We learned that if our clothes ever caught on fire we had to stop, drop and roll to put it out. The kids had fun listening to the song and rolling all over the floor :)

Both classes also enjoyed fire safety crafts. We made Smoke Detectors by cutting out the image of a smoke detector and glueing it onto a paper plate. The kids colored it and also glued on a little poem about a smoke detector. We learned how very loud they are by listening to a real smoke detector.

We also learned that charcoal is wood that has been burned and that we can draw with it. We experimented by making Charcoal Drawings. Teacher Michelle and I used white cardstock and taped a border around the edge with painters tape. The children drew with the charcoal and smudged it however they liked. It was a very fun and messy art tool to use.

When the drawings were completed they were sprayed with a few light layers of hairspray to secure the charcoal in place and stop them from smudging anymore. Then we peeled off the tape to reveal nice crisp white borders. They are so dramatic and beautiful!

We had lots of cool books in the book corner about fire safety and firemen as well hoses and firemen gloves in the water table with foam flames floating. We had a really great time learning about fire safety.


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