
We talked about fire safety in both classes for more than just the one class, but it was pretty cool in the T/Th Class when we had a real fireman come in and talk to us. Fireman Mark was so great. He wanted to show us all his gear and demonstrated on a special little helper.
He told us how his boots and pants are hooked together so he can put them on really quickly.
Then he pulls the pants up.

There are overalls with the pants and some velcro to help them stay up.

Next he puts on the jacket.

The jacket has a nice high collar to protect his neck and face.

Then the helmet goes on. Our special helper said it was really heavy by now!

He looked too cute all dressed up in the fireman gear!

Fireman Mark wanted us to all see what he looked like when HE had all his gear on so kids wouldn't be afraid of a Fireman if they were ever in a fire.

He started by putting on a protectant hood that covered his hair and neck.

He also showed us the tank of oxygen he uses to breathe. He wears it on his back like a backpack and the black thing in his hand hooks on to his mask to give him air.

Before he put on the helmet and mask he told us all that he was still the same nice Fireman Mark and the mask didn't change that. It's not a scary thing, but something that protects his face and lungs.

Some kids did get a little uneasy when he put on the mask but we kept reassuring everyone that he is nice and helps people. It was really good for the children to see that and Fireman Mark was great with them.

He even let them try and lift his big oxygen tank to see how heavy it was.
It's obviously VERY heavy and he has to carry it around on his back!

He also showed us what a smoke detector is and even what it sounds like. It's very, very loud so that we can hear it even when we are sleeping.

Thank you Fireman Mark! We loved your presentation and hope you will come back again!


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