My Loving Heart

On Thursday we ended our All About Me theme talking about our hearts. Jesus died on the cross for us and if we love Him and allow Him into our lives, he will change our hearts. We talked about all the things our hearts love. We also did a fun craft making tissue paper vinegar stamps that you can try too.

Cut shapes out of tissue paper or crepe paper (colored streamers that you can get from the dollar store). In this case I had a bunch of light pink, dark pink and red hearts cut out. Pour some vinegar into a clean container and use a paint brush to paint some vinegar onto some white (or any other light colored) construction paper. Put a tissue paper shape over the wet paper and paint some more vinegar on top. Keep going until you've painted vinegar over all the shapes and then put on a rack to dry. As the paper dries, the tissue paper will begin to come up, but it will leave it's color behind. It becomes an exact stamp of the tissue paper shape that was there.

Alternative: For some reason, some tissue papers don't work. This is what happened to our tissue paper hearts in class, so I made a diluted white glue mixture (1 part glue, 1 part water). Paint this glaze over the hearts to keep them in place.

You can also take this project one step further, but cutting around the shapes in a 1 inch border. Glue the cut out onto a dark piece of construction paper for a beautiful contrast.

I can't wait for you to see your child's beautiful hearts!


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