Post Office

Our community helper theme ended with the Post Office. Each child got their own colorful postcard to decorate the front of. They dictated to me what message they would like to say and who they wanted to send the postcard to. We had some really interesting things to say to our friends and family members! Each child got their own stamp to put in the corner of the postcard (one cent stamps of course :) ) While they may not have been able to actually send this postcard in the mail it was great practice.

They also each got a colorful envelope to address, add a stamp and put a letter inside.

The "letter" was a page full of stamps made with a stamp and ink pad.

The easel was a busy center with many a mail carrier hats being painted blue.

The dramatic play center had lots of letters to mail, stamps to sort, post cards to look at, and envelopes to drop into a cardboard post office box.

We sure had a busy time with community helpers but it was so much fun to explore and experience new occupations each day.


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