
Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your child's time at home with you for the Reading Week break. I thought it was the perfect time to get caught up on my blog updating.

Now I know I'm heading back to the Community Helpers theme, but I got some great pictures of our activities and wanted to share them.

We had one of the parents, Lisa, who is a community nurse come in and talk to the kids about nurses during our Hospital day. She did a fabulous presentation to them demonstrating how nurses give needles, why we need them, and why we shouldn't be scared. She also had an adorable little helper too!

They first listened to Cinderella's heartbeat.

And then Cinderella got a needle in her arm. We learned that sometimes nurses give us needles even when we aren't sick, because they help us not get sick later. This was during the H1N1 vaccinations so the children were able to link their own experiences to Lisa's demonstrations. Cinderella was so brave she didn't even cry!

The hospital dramatic play center was very popular with all the children after they got to see some of the tools that nurses use.

...of course they had to try them out for themselves.

Some even answered phones and took down appointments.

The water table was full of medicine cups, empty pill bottles and syringes to further their play.

The craft table was full of familiar medical supplies. Who knew we could make such beautiful art with it? This is a Q-Tip Painting made by dipping cotton swabs in paint and making different designs on the paper.

The children also made Doctor Bag Collages by gluing cotton swabs, tongue depressors, cotton balls and band-aids onto this doctor bag template. It was nice for the children to learn what these items are and how they can help us.

This community occupation was a HUGE hit as you can tell.


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