Police & Traffic Safety

To start our Community Helper theme we began by talking about Policemen and Traffic Safety. The Tues/Thurs Class was blessed to have Constable Stodolka come and talk to us during Circle Time. He showed us his policeman belt and the different tools and gadgets he uses like handcuffs, a gun, bullets, writing pad, and gloves. The kids even got to see Teacher Kindra with handcuffs! They thought that was pretty funny :)

During Centers both classes made stop signs by painting an octagonal piece of wood red. When they dried, Teacher Kindra and Teacher Michelle wrote "stop" on them and taped a popsicle stick to the back. This activity could also be done with octagonal shaped paper or cardboard, we were just lucky enough to have some wood precut.

Both classes also made Police badges. Teacher Kindra cut a badge shape out of cardboard and tore up some tinfoil. The children glued the pieces of tinfoil onto the badge and wrapped it around the edges to make a silver badge. The teachers wrote Police on the front so the children had their very own Police badges...they thought that was pretty cool.

During gym time, both classes enjoyed a "Safety Walk" around the school neighborhood. This gave us a chance to walk to the 4-Way Stop and talk about a Stop sign and see how it works. We looked both ways to see if cars were coming before crossing the street.

The Mon/Wed/Fri Class learned a song called "Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light".

Twinkle twinkle traffic light
Standing on the corner bright
When it's green it's time to go
When it's red it's stop you know
Twinkle twinkle traffic light
Standing on the corner bright

This class also enjoyed making traffic lights that they painted Red, Yellow, and Green and they sprinkled with sparkles so they shone. They look so great!

During story time both classes enjoyed a really cool book called "What to do in an Emergency". It has a little phone key pad built into the book. When you press "911" it talks to you!

Learning about policeman and safety, we got off to a really great start with our community helpers month!


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