
I apologize for the sporadic posting...my husband and I bought our first house and life has been a little crazy! I'm going to try and get as many posts in as I can before we lose our internet in the old house and get it hooked up in the new house :)

After we kicked off the Community Helper theme with Police and Safety we moved onto a Construction worker. Teacher Michelle and I set up the dramatic play area with construction work benches, plastic hammers, screws, drills, wrenches, tool belts and hard hats. It was so cute to watch the kids hammer and build things.

The M/W/F Class was lucky enough to run into a real construction worker the class before on their safety walk. Some carpenter's had come to the church to install the beautiful new stained glass window and the children got to see a real tool belt and what all the tools are used for. The T/Th Class was graced with me (Teacher Kindra) dressed up at Circle Time as a construction worker. My husband lent me a hard hat and well used (ie dirty) tool belt from his own construction site. The kids were shocked when they showed up at school to see me all dressed up! I showed them all my tools and we talked about what each one is used for.

As an art project, both classes did some texture rubbings. My husband had given me a rough piece of plywood from a job site and we placed light blue colored paper on top. The kids used dark blue crayon to rub over the paper to reveal the wonderful plywood texture underneath. We also did the same things with sandpaper. The blue rubbings became the background sky for our community pictures.

Both classes did lots of building with blocks, the construction bench and even popsicle sticks and playdough at one of the art tables. The kids had a really great time with our day of construction.


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