Our Listening Ears

As part of our "All About Me" theme we talked about our ears that God created for listening. The kids told me about different things they liked to listen to with their ears. At one of our art centers I had materials set our for making Music Shakers. This was a very popular center! I had clean jars with lids, dried beans, dried chick peas, buttons, glue, stickers and foam shapes. The kids had so much fun with Miss Fran as they filled their jars with their choice of noise maker, glued the lid shut and then glued fun foam shapes on the outside to decorate. There was lots of "shake, shake, shake" sounds to be heard all over the classroom!

During Circle Time at the beginning of the day and then again at the end of the day, I brought out a toy telephone. We talked about how we use our ears to listen to the phone. The phone got passed around the circle in a song we sang called "Hey There Someone's On the Phone". It was a great way to reinforce the learning of everyone's names. Here's a video of the song if you would like to sing it with your child at home. (It's the third song on the video).

Hope you all have happy listening ears!


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